Terms and Conditions

This ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ document has been developed by Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) - formerly trading as SHPA - for use in conjunction with the AdPha website located at adpha.au. The AdPha website is owned by Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) and designed as an online information and reference site for members and other interested parties. 

Use of this website indicates your agreement with the Terms and Conditions, if you do not agree with these you are requested not to use the site. AdPha reserves the right to make amendments, alterations, additions and deletions from time to time to reflect the current Terms of Use. 

Privacy Policy 

View AdPha's Privacy Policy.

View ANZCAP's Privacy Policy.

SMS Policy

  • Membership SMS: Messages that directly relate to AdPha membership (eg. membership renewal reminders)
  • General SMS: Messages include any ad-hoc promotion/advertising (eg. conference, grants, awards etc)

SMS communication will only be sent to the intended recipients (eg. members due for renewal, conference attendees or all members in the case of general SMS) who have subscribed to receive SMS communication. 

All members are automatically subscribed to AdPha SMS communication upon joining AdPha. Members can elect to unsubscribe from ‘general SMS’ communication at any time by updating their communication preferences in the member portal section of the AdPha website, or by contacting AdPha by phone or email. 

If a member unsubscribes from AdPha SMS communication, they will no longer receive ‘general SMS’ communication. However, they will still receive ‘membership SMS’ directly pertaining to their AdPha membership (eg. membership renewal reminders). Members who wish to also unsubscribe from ‘membership SMS’ communication may update their communication preferences in the member portal section of the AdPha website.

SMS Privacy Policy

AdPha considers the privacy of members to be a priority. Therefore AdPha will never:

  • distribute or sell your mobile phone number to third parties without your consent except in strict accordance with applicable laws and regulations
  • directly market to you any services for which you have not indicated a specific desire to be informed, by any means, including by email, text message or call by mobile phone
  • distribute any personal information about you, including your phone numbers, name, billing information or any other piece of identifying information, except in strict accordance with applicable laws and regulations and/or where you have indicated your approval.

Membership cancellation and refunds

Membership fees are not refundable, nor can they be transferred. When you join or renew your AdPha membership, you are committed to be a member of AdPha for the remainder of the membership year. Instalments can only be cancelled at the end of the membership year.

Copyright Policy 

Copyright 2006 Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha)
Australian Company Number (ACN): 004 553 806
PO Box 1774, Collingwood, Victoria 3066 Australia

Assignment of copyright to the JPPR is a requirement of publication. Articles may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher.

Authorisation to copy items for internal or personal use is granted by AdPha for users registered with the Copyright Clearance Transactional Reporting Service or Copyright Australia Limited. 

Website Interaction 

Inappropriate language or comments whether intended or by interpretation may not be posted to the website. You may not post material that is copyrighted to another owner on the website. Information sharing that occurs is on the basis that acknowledgement will be given to the original source of the information and will not be used or quoted out of the original context. You may not make any communication with this website or post any materials that contain virus or other harmful elements. 


The AdPha website contains guidelines, policies, procedures, information and various data which have been prepared by AdPha. Whilst the information contained on this site has been reviewed with due care, AdPha does not warrant or imply that the information is free from errors or omissions. Whilst the information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after publication may impact on the accuracy of the information. 

The information presented on the website is made available on the understanding that AdPha, its employees and agents shall have no liability to the users for any loss, damage, cost or expenses arising from the use of the information through either action or inaction based on material on this site. 

AdPha provides links from the AdPha website to sites that might be useful information sources to users of the website. Providing this information in no way assumes responsibility for the content contained on those websites.

Event terms and conditions

Cancellation policy

  • Membership rate is only applicable if you are a member at the time of the seminar. Should your membership lapse, or if you resign you will be invoiced for the difference in registration.

  • Cancellations must be made in writing.

  • Cancellations received before 6 weeks prior to the event will receive a full refund. Non-members will be charged a $50 handling fee.

  • Cancellations received between 6 weeks and 1 week prior to the event will receive a 50% refund of the registration fee.

  • Cancellations received less than a week prior to the event will NOT be refunded.

  • AdPha reserve the right to cancel a seminar or make changes to the program
  • If AdPha cancels or defers the event you will receive 100% of the registration fee but AdPha bears no responsibility for any costs incurred  (such as flights, accommodation, travel or expenses) or loss of income.
  • It is recommended that participants obtain adequate insurance cover for travel and accommodation.
  • Transfer of registration – as an alternative to cancellation your registration may be transferred to another member of your organisation or another event (if the chosen seminar is a higher cost you will be subject to further charges). A request MUST be made in writing to the Federal Secretariat prior to the event.
  • If you are unable to attend AdPha policy is that handouts can not be made available as ‘stand alone’ materials

Venue/Accessbility requirements

  • For special accessibility requirements for in-person events please complete the relevant section when registering online and this information will be forwarded to third parties.

  • AdPha are in no way responsible for any connectivity issues as a result of the participants internet connection or hardware issues or other external factors impacting the internet, that are out of AdPha’s control.

Catering/Dietary requirements

  • Please complete the necessary section when registering online. AdPha will notify third parties such as caterers/suppliers of any dietary requirements.

  • Whilst every care is taken to notify venues of dietary requirements, AdPha cannot guarantee completely allergy free meals, nor be held responsible for any adverse reaction. Any registrant who has notified AdPha of a dietary requirement should make themselves known to the seminar coordinator and/or venue staff upon their arrival.

  • Some dietary requirements such as Kosher meals may incur an additional cost which is the responsibility of the delegate. AdPha will notify you in advance.


  • Recording and/or filming is not permitted by registrants. Please note this event may be recorded for the AdPha website and/or photos may be taken for use in AdPha resources and publications.

  • Registrants are not permitted to record or film any part of AdPha events in any format including audio recording or video recording or through use of mobile devices for filming


  • Numbers are capped so book early to avoid disappointment. Please note the only way to guarantee a space is to register online. Please ensure you register prior to booking your flights and accommodation.
  • If you do not receive a confirmation email then you are not registered for the event and will not be able to be accommodated on the day of the event. If you are following up on registration please ensure you contact the Federal Secretariat at least a week prior to the event.

Privacy Policy 

View AdPha's Privacy Policy


The AdPha website contains guidelines, policies, procedures, information and various data which have been prepared by AdPha. Whilst the information contained on this site has been reviewed with due care, AdPha does not warrant or imply that the information is free from errors or omissions. Whilst the information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after publication may impact on the accuracy of the information. 

The information presented on the website is made available on the understanding that AdPha, its employees and agents shall have no liability to the users for any loss, damage, cost or expenses arising from the use of the information through either action or inaction based on material on this site. 

AdPha provides links from the AdPha website to sites that might be useful information sources to users of the website. Providing this information in no way assumes responsibility for the content contained.

AdPha Membership Terms and Conditions

Single payment 
If making an annual one-off payment, the total amount will be collected on or immediately after your membership application is approved or your membership is renewed, and you will not incur any administration fees.

Instalment payments
If electing to pay by either half-yearly, quarterly or monthly instalments, you agree you are liable to pay the full annual instalment fees as outlined on the website. The cumulative total of instalment payments is higher than the one-off annual membership payment due to administration fees: Join / Renew

When paying by instalments, you must enable the saved credit card and automatic payment options when processing your first payment. Your instalment payments will be processed monthly, quarterly or half-yearly from the date you complete this first payment. 

If an instalment payment fails, you will receive an invoice for payment. If payment is not received within one month of the due date you will be liable to pay the balance amount remaining on your 12-month membership.

After 12 months, your instalment-paying membership will automatically roll-over into the next year; AdPha will notify you of this via email in the month preceding your annual renewal roll-over.  

It is your responsibility to ensure:
•    you are authorised to request the debiting of payments from the specified account;
•    your nominated account can accept direct debits (your financial institution can confirm this);
•    on the payment date there are sufficient funds in the nominated account to enable debit payments to be made .

If you would like to discuss payment of your membership, please contact the Membership team at membership@adpha.au

Membership cancellation and refunds
Annual membership fees are not refundable, nor can they be transferred. When you join or renew your membership, you are committed to being a member of AdPha for 12 months. 

Instalment payment memberships can only be cancelled at the end of 12 months, or if you pay the balance amount remaining on your membership subscription.

To cancel your instalment-paying membership at the end of 12 months, advise AdPha when you are notified via email in the month preceding your annual renewal roll-over. 

Access to your membership benefits
AdPha members are granted access to all membership benefits for the period of their 12-month membership from the date their payment is processed (up to 5 business days after received). View AdPha Member benefits.
If you do not renew your yearly membership or do not complete your instalment membership payments within one month of the due date you will lose access to your AdPha member benefits.  

Please note:

  • AdPha's Specialty Practice: If you are a part of a Practice Group or Leadership Committee and your membership lapses you will no longer fit the criteria to be a part of these groups.
  • CPD Planning + Recording: If your membership lapses you will no longer have access to your CPD record or plan, to regain access AdPha membership must be reinstated. 
  • Events: Eligibility for discounted event attendance relies on membership status at the date of the event. If you require a revised invoice for an event due to a forthcoming change in your membership, please contact the SHPA Secretariat to avoid being invoiced the outstanding difference.


ANZCAP Terms and Conditions

Access to ANZCAP is included as part of AdPha membership. The below policies and terms take effect from 11 October 2023. Your continued use of the AdPha website, member portal and ANZCAP platform from 11 October 2023 constitutes your understanding and acceptance of these ANZCAP policies and terms:

You also agree to the following terms:

  • AdPha may contact you from time to time to provide information regarding ANZCAP or other products and services that may be of interest to you.
  • All documents uploaded and/or provided will be a true and accurate reflection of your practice as a practitioner, in line with the ANZCAP Integrity Policy and,
  • You understand that all active ANZCAP recognitions will be searchable in an anonymous database by recognition number. No identifiable data such as names or email addresses are included.

If you do not understand, or disagree with any of the ANZCAP Terms, please contact ANZCAP to discuss.

ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year Terms and Conditions

Entry to the ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year Award is open to all Australian pharmacy students studying BPharm or MPharm at a tertiary education institution in Australia approved by the Pharmacy Board of Australia which leads to registration to practice pharmacy in Australia.

Students completing post-graduate studies are not able to enter.

The winning student will be awarded:

  • Registration to MM2024 (Adelaide, 14-16 Nov 2024)1 
  • Economy flights to Adelaide from their nearest capital city2
  • Reimbursement of accommodation costs for 3 nights (Thurs - Sat) up to the value of $250/night

1By agreeing to attend MM2024, the student agrees to the terms and conditions of this event.

2Should the winning student normally reside in Adelaide, this person will receive registration and accommodation as above without the inclusion of flights.

The pharmacy student of the year prize can only be redeemed in the year it is awarded, no changes or transfers will be made.

Should the winning student not be able to attend MM2024, they will forfeit the prize.