Technician membership

Stay connected and informed as part of your rapidly-growing community, with opportunities to share and pool your knowledge while supporting our advocacy for the growth of Pharmacy Technician and Assistant roles.

Technician membership fee: $245 (inc. GST) 

Instalment fees: Half-yearly $130 • Quarterly $68 • Monthly $24

Eligibility: A pharmacy technician or assistant, qualified by training or experience, to carry out functions and activities that do not require professional judgement by a pharmacist in a hospital or other medical establishment. See AdPha's constitution for a full definition.

Find out how AdPha supports Technicians and Assistants

Join AdPha

Technician membership benefits:

Free and discounted access to CPD

Leadership + Innovation

Specialty Practice

  • Join Specialty Practice Groups via Communities
  • Apply to become a Verified Member in your chosen specialty or specialties
  • Nominate for election to Leadership Committees
  • Contribute to clinical education across 30+ specialty areas
  • Build networks of peers via online communities
  • Consult and share information with members, key stakeholders and government
  • Real-time answers to clinical questions via discussion forums
  • Opportunities to peer review research in JPPR
  • Shape AdPha Standards of Practice, informing national delivery of specialty hospital pharmacy services

Policy + Advocacy

Resources + Publications

Recognition + Reward