Barwon Health

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Campuses where pharmacy interns will work: University Hospital Geelong & McKellar Centre

Barwon Health is one of the largest and most comprehensive regional health services in Australia, providing care at all stages of life and circumstance. Health services available through Barwon Health cover the full spectrum from emergency and acute to mental health, primary care, community services, aged care and subacute/rehabilitation.

The pharmacy department is staffed by 119 EFT staff (including 74 EFT pharmacists) across the acute site (University Hospital Geelong), the rehabilitation and aged care site (McKellar Centre) and the private hospital (St John of God).

The Department provides clinical pharmacy services, aseptic and oncology preparation, HITH and outpatient services. A high degree of specialisation exists in clinical pharmacy roles, clinical trials, medication safety, medicines information, antimicrobial stewardship and radiopharmacy. The Pharmacy Department is actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy education, as well as pharmacy practice research.

We are an enthusiastic and cohesive team that is focussed on providing the highest quality patient centred care, guided by our driving values: Respect, Compassion, Commitment, Accountability and Innovation.

Barwon Health website:

Intern program information

Barwon Health Pharmacy Internships

  • 6 intern positions are available (government-funded)

At Barwon Health we are committed to providing positive employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and encourage internship applications from candidates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.

The intern program is a balance of structured learning and practical training rotations. Throughout the first 33 weeks, the intern will spend time in:

  • Introductory clinical rotations (clinical orientation)
  • Dispensary, as well as familiarisation to aseptic services, medicines information, medication safety, antimicrobial stewardship, oncology and radiopharmacy
  • Clinical rotations through specialised ward services such as cardiology, renal, neurology, aged care, as well as general medical and surgical wards
  • Allocated research week

Independence (under supervision) will be strongly encouraged in the final 4 months of the intern year, as interns will be integrated into pharmacy services with own patient load and responsibilities.  Elective rotations (e.g. paediatrics, emergency, psychiatry, oncology, ICU, maternity) will also be available.

In total, interns will spend approximately 80% of their intern program on clinical wards.

Other key features of the Barwon Health Intern Program:

  • Dedicated education team lead by the Senior Education Pharmacist and Intern Coordinator
  • Individual mentor pharmacists allocated to each intern to provide additional support
  • Monash Intern Foundation Program credentialed site and educators
  • Planned intern education meetings / tutorials held once weekly
  • Case presentations – Interns contribute to the educational activities of the department
  • Intern research project to provide experience in conducting research
  • Dedicated preparation for oral and written exams, including in-house practice exams
  • Interns will be rostered to work half days on weekends (Saturday) on a rotational basis

Information Sessions

If you are considering applying to Barwon Health and would like more information, to see facilities or would just like to chat please see below.

Hospital Tours

Face to face hospital tours can be arranged on request, please contact us via email.​​​​

Online Sessions

We will be running an online information session, dates to be confirmed.


Ms Sophie Jahnecke, Intern Preceptor - Pharmacy Workforce Development
Tel. 03 42151582

Dr Diana Bortoletto, Lead Pharmacist - Pharmacy Workforce Development
Tel. 03 42151582

Intern positions

  • 6 DHHS funded

Other resources