Hospital pharmacists welcome local boost to IV fluid supply
AdPha welcomes manufacturing investment as safeguard against key medicine shortage.
AdPha welcomes manufacturing investment as safeguard against key medicine shortage.
Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) announces free membership for National Alliance for Pharmacy Education (NAPE) interns as ANZCAP Student Pharmacy of the Year competition returns.
AdPha’s election priorities will enhance hospital pharmacy workforce stability, optimise health system resources and improve patient outcomes.
Improving access and lowering costs will support more Australian women to better manage menopause and perimenopause.
Hospital pharmacists are critical to cutting waiting lists, reducing ED waiting times and managing ramping
Scope of practice, workforce sustainability and medicines shortages are member priorities in AdPha’s pre-budget spotlight.
Expertise and experience of Australia’s dynamic hospital pharmacy profession is crucial to success and sustainability.
This year AdPha generated an incredible 136 unique mentions across key media outlets. We've selected just some of the many articles from each of the biggest AdPha stories of the year.
In 2024, we were proud to elevate and share the expertise and latest research from AdPha members on a range of topics from importing medicines to AI to pharmacy burnout with pharmacy and mainstream media.