ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year now open!
Wed 1 May 2024

ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year now open!

The Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) has opened submissions to pharmacy students across Australia for its inaugural Pharmacy Student of the Year Award, with the winner, to be announced in September, to receive flights, accommodation and registration to attend Medicines Management 2024, Australia’s largest annual scientific pharmacy conference, in Adelaide in November.

Any pharmacy student with access to the ANZCAP platform is eligible to submit a portfolio for the award; access to ANZCAP is free via their SHPA membership which is free for all students.

The ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year award will recognise students who can demonstrate diversity in their learning by completing at least six of the currently available 11 dedicated student Learning Experiences (LXs) through ANZCAP’s portfolio-building platform. Alongside their custom portfolio, student nominees will also need to provide a personal statement outlining why they should be awarded.

National Australian Pharmacy Students' Association (NAPSA) President Bano Serhan says it’s important that students are recognised for the skills and expertise they acquire throughout their undergraduate study.

‘Over 80% of student respondents in the 2023 National Pharmacy Students’ Survey said formal recognition through post-nominals and certification was important to demonstrating their experience and expertise.

‘We're very pleased to support this award and encourage all NAPSA and SHPA Student members to start building their ANZCAP custom portfolios to be in the running.

‘It is fantastic that Australian pharmacy students can now be awarded for showing a commitment to growth and learning through portfolio-building, a great way to showcase evidence of skills and experiences to start mapping early pharmacy career progress which will set them up for formal recognition through ANZCAP.’

Self-nominations for the ANZCAP Pharmacy Student of the Year will close 31 August 2024 with the winner to be announced in September.

Further details can be found at: